For all kind of ophthalmic ailments, it is imperative to make a good diagnosis as well as providing your pet with an accurate and efficient treatment.
Due to the importance of vision for all beings, in all cases of ophthalmic ailments, it is extremely important to make a proper diagnosis as soon as possible. It is essential to start a successful and efficient therapy immediately given the possibility that if neglected, in a few days or even a few hours, a serious problem with the eyes of your pet could have an unfortunate end. For this reason, we recommend you bring your pet to be examined as soon as possible. Doing so will reduce the possibility of risks and complications.
At the Veterinary Ophthalmology Center, Drs. Licón, place special emphasis on carrying out a meticulous ocular exploration with the most specialized training, experience and equipment, both for diagnosis and for surgeries or microsurgeries.
Taking in consideration that some ocular diseases can have their origin in other internal organs, we carry out an integral evaluation of your pet, with as many different examinations, tests and evaluations as may be necessary.