The crystalline is one of the internal structures of the eye, is located behind the iris and the pupil, it is circular in shape resembling a button of about 1 cm in diameter depending on the size and breed of the pet. Its curved faces are rounded and it is completely transparent as it plays a very important optical role allowing the passage of the direct light into the retina.
The crystalline also protects the retina from ultraviolet light. A very important function it performs is the focusing of images. This happens thanks to the movement allowed by the zonal ligaments from where it hangs, which are like springs around its circumference. It is here in these zonular ligaments where dislocation can originate, because as they break, a partial or total detachment of the crystalline lens occurs causing it to go forward or backward of the iris and in the latter case, even migrate to the fundus of the eye.
The cause is mainly hereditary and usually affects both eyes, although not always at the same time; other causes may be the result of glaucoma, cataract or trauma.
Treatment consists of immediate surgical removal of the dislocated lens. Cases receiving early attention have a better prognosis.