It is a disease of unknown cause that affects cats, especially Persian, Siamese, Burmese, Himalayan, Burmese and Color-point. It initially manifests itself as an ocular discomfort, secretion and increase of blinking that leads to a direct inspection. The characteristic thing is that we can observe a central or paracentral dark spot that affects the outer and middle layer of the cornea. The dark spot consists in the loss of life of that portion. The dark spot can deepen up to the point where it could eventually perforate the cornea.
In the majority of cases it appears for no known reason, although sometimes it may be the consequence of previous lesions of the cornea such as ulcers, viral herpes infections, lacrimal lubrication deficiency or other situations associated with anatomical defects of the eyelids or eyelashes.
The presentation is almost always unilateral, but there are cases in which it will also manifest in the contralateral eye months later.
The most recommended treatment is the timely surgical removal of the damaged tissue and replacement of the same using a graft of biological material or a flap of its own conjunctive membrane, in order to achieve a quick recovery.